My Daughter, Jennifer, is having a baby in February and yesterday was her baby shower. For her gift, I made her this diaper cake. They are really not that difficult to make. This cake has 3 tiers and is made using about 72 new born diapers. Each diaper is rolled inward so that the design on the diaper shows, and is secured with a tiny rubber band, the kind that you find in the hair section of your store. For the center, I used a paper towel roll that had about 1/4 roll of paper towels on it. It made for a nice firm base. Once all of the diapers are rolled, take a large rubber band and put it around the paper towel roll and start inserting diapers within the rubber band until they are all around the roll. This is your first layer. Add a second rubber band around the diapers and make your second layer. Take a third large rubber band and put it around the second layer of diapers and repeat. You should have 3 layers of diapers around the bottom of the paper towel roll. You will see the exposed paper towel roll above the diapers. Next, you will make your second tier. You do the same as you did on the bottom. This time you will have two layers and they will sit right on top of the bottom layer. Lastly is your third tier. This has one layer of diapers. Once you have your cake assembled, take a long piece of ribbon and wrap it around each of the tiers covering the rubber bands. Staple the ends together. To cover the staple, make a big bow out of ribbon. Hold the bow up against the staple and taking a smaller ribbon wrap it around the stapled ribbon and bow and tie it tightly to hold the bow in place.

Now you can start decorating your cake. I took small pieces of ribbon and tied rattles and toys to the diapers. Some things like lotions and baby wash got stuck in between the large rubber band and diaper. You can add lots of gifts to this cake. I rolled up baby washcloths and put them in place of some of the diapers. Other things to add are little gift sets of onesies or little outfits, hair clips, foot rattles, secrity blankets, booties, pacifiers, little brush and comb sets. On the top, I added a musical stuffed animal. To secure the stuffed animal, I took a dowel and put it between the large rubber band and paper towel holder. I tied a big bow around the stuffed animal and the dowel to secure.

This cake is so simple that even a seven year old can make one. Here is Lexi's cake that she made. She made hers using two layers. For her center, she used a baby bottle. On the top, she placed a large plastic cat that plays music and rolls around on the floor. To attach, she took a large piece of ribbon and wrapped it around the bottom of the cake and over the cat and tied a big bow. Her cake is wrapped in tule and secured with a rubber band and ribbon.
I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial.