Last Saturday was an especially wonderful day for me. Not only was it my 28th wedding anniversary, on the 28th, but I got to meet one of my dear blogging friends, Pat. I have always wanted to meet her and she is just as I had imagined, beautiful and kind. What a day that was. Let me explain. Pat and her family were staying in San Francisco and had plans to attend an anniversary that evening. I had arranged to meet her at her hotel later in the afternoon. That morning I had a scrapbook workshop. It lasted until about 1:30. Afterwards, Bill and I got ready and drove into the City. Unfortunately, it was Chinese New Year and there were cars and people everywhere. I texted Pat and she replied back that they had to leave at 3:30. By this time it was already 3:00. We were petrified. I had a miscommunication with her and thought that she was staying at the "W Hotel". We finally got to the hotel and I texted her back letting her know where we were and she replied that they were staying at the "JW". She said that she would meet me at the "Third Floor Lounge." We were not sure where this hotel was. Then Bill figured that it was the Marriott which was right across the street. So, I jumped out of the car at the light and Bill went to park the car. I went inside and ran up to the elevator to push the button to take me to the "Third Floor Lounge". And, guess what? There was no third floor!!! I was frantic and asked the bell hop where it was. He said that there was no third floor lounge. Finally, another guy came over and asked what I was looking for and I shoved my cell phone up to his face so that he could read her message. He replied "Oh. That's the JW." And, then he gave me a map and showed where it was. I asked him if I could walk there. Yes, I could. It was about 10 city blocks away. By this time, it was 3:15 and I was thinking to myself, after all this I might not be able to see her. So, I put myself into gear and ran those 10 city blocks in heels. Finally, all out of breath, I saw it. The hotel shined like gold in my eyes as I saw it in the distance. I got inside and went up to the lounge. And, there before my eyes was the beautiful Pat. She was so happy to see me. I sat down and had a drink with her and then her family came down and we visited until 4:00. Oh, and if you are wondering, Bill did find me and had a drink with us. I hope to visit with Pat again some day for a much longer time. This is one friendship that I will treasure.
Afterwards, Bill and I went and had a wonderful dinner at the Cliff House Restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. This has been a tradition that we started many years ago. Here is a view from the restaurant. Note: to my friends who were at my wedding on June 12. Bill and I eloped on February 28. Some of you know this. Don't let my dad know. He will charge me for the wedding plus interest!!!