Brewing Up Creativity Class w/InkyandScrappy, February 2025 Card 1, Stencil
Coloring Stamped Images
My Brewing Up Creativity Class is done locally at my studio, but I love
sharing them here with you, too. They are a bit more involved than my
15 hours ago
Don't know what blog candy is, but I guess I'll learn!
Blog candy is like an assortment of goodies that the blog owner will prize out to all their faithful followers. Sometimes you need to post a link on your own blog (If you have one) and some allow you to mass out an email referring people to their blog as long as they are CC'ed on the email as well.
Other times, all you need to do is comment on the post and then you get entered into the drawing.
Its a lot of fun, and can be addicting lol.
Here is a link to another blog candy contest so you can see what its like: But keep in mind, not every blog owner will be as extravagent... though most do offer awesome prizes... And I'm in no way trying to make Lori have to have as huge a prize, its just that one I know is current!
I do hope that this makes sense! :)
ps... Awesome blog Lori!
Love the work you show on your blog!
Missed yesterday and saw the picture today of the toilet paper house Oh My - that is a job isn't it? Makes you wonder what he did!!!! LOL LOL
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