Good morning everyone. Hope you are planning to have a nice relaxing day. I am having my second Chrismas Card workshop today. I am hoping that this one will go smoother than the last one. The more workshops that I have, the more that I learn about what works and what doesn't. At my last workshop, I had way too many people. I had two different groups of people at this workshop. I should have scheduled different days. One group was into partying and the other group was into serious card making. Every station was full. And, that made it hard for the serious card makers to get their cards made. And, it made the ones who were slower feel pressured. Another thing that I learned, was to keep the volume of cards to a manageable amount. I thought that they could make 50 cards. A couple of people were able to do so. But, many only ended up with 20. I have a couple of people coming back today to finish their cards. Things should go smoothly, because I am only planning on 5 people plus 2 of the people who didn't finish. And, this group will only make 20 cards. Next year I will do a couple of 20 card workshops, and if people want to come to both, they can. Yesterday while I was setting up. Lexi had to set up her workshop too. The top picture is of my table and the bottom is Lexi's table. She was so sure that she was going to have a workshop with 10 people, that she had Bill worrried. I kept telling Bill that she was only pretending, but she kept insisting that she was having a workshop. Bill said to me "you have to tell her that she is not having a workshop". I tried to assure him that she would forget about it in the morning once I put all of her things away. At least I hope so. I guess I will find out when she wakes up and comes down stairs.

1 comment:
This sounds like something my daughter and her 3 1/2 yr. old daughter would do! Tell Bill he should attend Lexie's workshop if she is still serious in the morning. It will make her happy and keep her out of your hair and Bill will get to spend some quality time with her.
I will be attending my niece's card making workshop soon. She is planning to have us make 50 cards. Should be interesting. She is a Close to my Heart consultant.
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